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Senior Managers Consulting

El difícil encuadramiento dentro de las relaciones directivas

The difficult framing within managerial relationships

The difficult framing within managerial relationships What types of managerial relationships exist? Senior manager? Manager in common employment regime? Director, administrator or member of an administrative body? If you have a management relationship or some contact with the above figures as a company, possibly more than once you have wondered what is the difference between […]

The difficult framing within managerial relationships Read More »

Indemnización por despido y cese del Alto Directivo

Compensation for dismissal and cessation of the Senior Manager

Indemnity for dismissal and cessation of the Senior Manager Compensation for dismissals and dismissals of Senior Managers, Managers in common labor regime and Directors As we mentioned in previous articles, one of the key moments in the relationship of an Executive with the company is the moment in which the dismissal or termination of their

Compensation for dismissal and cessation of the Senior Manager Read More »

Extinción del contrato del Alto Directivo por voluntad del empresario

Termination of the Senior Manager’s contract by the will of the employer

Termination of the Senior Manager’s contract by the will of the employer The Senior Manager can see his contract terminated either by his own will, or by the will of the employer, this second point being the one that concerns us in this article.</ p> Termination of the Senior Manager’s contract by the will of

Termination of the Senior Manager’s contract by the will of the employer Read More »

El contrato del Alto Directivo y sus peculiaridades

The Senior Manager contract and its peculiarities

The Senior Manager’s contract and its peculiarities Regulation of the Senior Management contract The employment relationship of the Senior Manager is a special relationship as established in art. 2.1.a) of the Workers’ Statute, except when their activity is limited, purely and simply, to the mere performance of the position of director or member of the

The Senior Manager contract and its peculiarities Read More »

Las cláusulas de blindaje o golden parachute

Shield clauses or golden parachute

  The golden parachute clauses Within management relationships, especially when we are dealing with a Senior Manager, it is quite common for one of the points that are negotiated in the contract to be a golden parachute clause or known under its Anglo-Saxon term, a golden parachute. Sometimes, these types of clauses can also be

Shield clauses or golden parachute Read More »

Qué es el pacto de no competencia postcontractual

What is the post-contractual non-competition agreement

What is the post-contractual non-competition agreement What is the post-contractual non-competition agreement and its requirements The post-contractual non-competition agreement is a clause that is increasingly being found in the labor relations, regardless of the type they are, that is, we can find them both in an ordinary labor relationship and in a contract of a

What is the post-contractual non-competition agreement Read More »

La tributación de las indemnizaciones de los Altos Directivos

The taxation of the indemnities of Senior Managers

Taxation of compensation of Senior Managers One of the main characteristics of the compensation set by the Workers’ Statute in cases of dismissal or contractual termination, it is that they are exempt from taxation and contribution</ strong>, as stated in art. 7.e) of the Personal Income Tax Law which states that: “indemnities for dismissal or

The taxation of the indemnities of Senior Managers Read More »

Aspectos relevantes del pacto de no competencia post-contractual

Relevant aspects of the post-contractual non-competition agreement

Relevant aspects of the post-contractual non-competition agreement Other relevant aspects of the post-contractual non-competition agreement In the previous article we took a brief tour of what a post-contractual non-compete clause was (Read: What is the post-contractual non-competition agreement), by the objective pursued by it, as well as the main requirements that it must have and

Relevant aspects of the post-contractual non-competition agreement Read More »

La expatriación de los directivos. La carta de expatriación

The expatriation of managers. The expatriation letter

The expatriation of managers. The expatriation letter In a globalized world, it is increasingly common to find the expatriate figure among managers, undoubtedly a turning point in the career professional, but at the same time it implies a sea of doubts in relation to the legal implications that this entails, especially from the point of

The expatriation of managers. The expatriation letter Read More »

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