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1. Object.

1.1 Introduction

The purpose of this document is to establish and regulate the rules of use and safeguard the data contained on the website (hereinafter, the Website), including all the pages, sections and content accessed through through the domain and the rest of the subdomains belonging to the professional firm J.L. CASAJUANA LAWYERS.

1.2 Compliance with the Conditions.

The user, when entering the referred domain, submits, even for its mere viewing, to comply with the rules established in this document, assuming the responsibilities that could arise from inappropriate use or contrary to this regulation. To do this, you must carefully read the set of provisions agreed in these general conditions each time you visit the Website, since it and its conditions of use may be modified. The user voluntarily and expressly accepts that the use of the Website is carried out in any case under the sole and exclusive responsibility of the user. In any case, J.L. CASAJUANA ABOGADOS reserves the right to modify, at any time and without prior notice, the image and presentation, the content, or configuration of the Web Page, as well as these Terms and Conditions and the rest of the instructions that are detailed for complementary services offered on the Website. Some services of the Website are accessible to all Internet users. Others, on the other hand, may be exclusive to J.L. CASAJUANA ABOGADOS, or for those users who received express acceptance of access by this office. Both in one case and in another, these users may be subject to Particular Conditions or instructions that replace, complete or modify this document and that must be accepted by the user before beginning the provision of the corresponding service.

1.3 Free character.

Unless otherwise provided in particular conditions or instructions provided for certain services, the use of the Website will be free, without prejudice to the cost of connecting the service that the user would have contracted with his telecommunications network for Internet access.

2. Headline.

The company that owns this Website is CASAJUANA ASESORES S.L.P., which in turn operates under the brand J.L. CASAJUANA LAWYERS. It has its registered office at Calle Diego de León 47; phone 914025196; email:; Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid in Volume 27,218, Folio 136, Sheet M-490380, 1st Entry and provided with C.I.F B-85781516.

3. Content.

3.1 Informative character.

The website of J.L. CASAJUANA ABOGADOS is informative. The information included in any of its pages and sections is merely informative and does not constitute in any case a means of advice. The contents of the Website collect information from both its own sources and third parties. Access to this Website does not imply any type of professional, commercial or other relationship between J.L. CASAJUANA ABOGADOS and the user. The use of the information contained will be the sole responsibility of the user, and J.L. CASAJUANA ABOGADOS will not be in any way responsible for any errors or omissions that may exist in the information provided, nor for the specific application or use that may be made of it. J.L. is exonerated CASAJUANA ABOGADOS from possible damages or losses that could be derived from computer viruses, or other failures in the operation of the electronic system caused by causes beyond the control of this law firm. J.L. CASAJUANA ABOGADOS is not responsible for damages caused by third parties through illegitimate interference beyond the control of J.L. CASAJUANA LAWYERS.

3.2 Intellectual Property and Industrial Property

The intellectual and industrial property rights over the contents of the Website correspond exclusively to JLCASAJUANA ABOGADOS, unless expressly indicated otherwise. Through these Terms and Conditions, no intellectual or industrial property rights are transferred to the Website or any of its contents. The user may not create copies of the content under any circumstances, either for personal use or for third parties. Any use or exploitation other than the above will require prior written authorization from J.L. CASAJUANA LAWYERS. Specifically, the user is prohibited from reproducing, distributing, publicly communicating (including the right to make them available), transforming, collecting, extracting, forwarding and, in any other way, exploiting the content that appears on the Website without prior authorization and in writing by J.L. CASAJUANA LAWYERS. The user must refrain from obtaining, or attempting to obtain, any of the elements of the Website by means or procedures other than those that have been made available in each case or for which there is an express authorization by J.L. CASAJUANA LAWYERS.

4. Use of the Website.

4.1 Compliance with the Law and General Conditions.

The user undertakes to make correct use of the Website in accordance with the Law. By accepting these Terms and Conditions, the user agrees to use this Website, the information contained, and the rest of the services offered. in the same, in the manner established. The user is equally committed to respecting the rest of the other conditions, regulations and instructions that, if applicable, may be applicable as specified on the Website or in these Terms and Conditions.

4.2 Misuse.

When using the Website, the user agrees not to carry out any conduct that could damage the image, interests and rights of J.L. CASAJUANA ABOGADOS or third parties. The user is obliged not to use this Website and its services for illegal purposes or contrary to the purposes established in these Terms and Conditions, which could be harmful to the rights or interests of third parties, or that in any way could damage the Website. or prevent its proper functioning or the services that may be offered therein. Despite the security measures adopted by J.L. CASAJUANA ABOGADOS on this Website, this law firm cannot guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements that may cause alterations in the user’s computer systems or in their electronic documents and files contained therein.

4.3 Liability for damages.

The user will respond to J.L. CASAJUANA ABOGADOS or against third parties, for any damages that may be caused as a result of incorrect use.

5. Data protection.

5.1 Processing of personal data.

The data collected by J.L. CASAJUANA ABOGADOS, either through the user sending his Curriculum Vitae, or through the data collection forms of the Newsletter that is provided on the Website, will be incorporated into a mixed file of personal data of the which is responsible J.L. CASAJUANA LAWYERS. By voluntarily submitting their data, the user expressly authorizes the owner of this Web Page to treat them. This Firm undertakes to treat personal data confidentially for the sole purpose of managing the relationship with its clients and promoting the Law Firm’s activities and news. Likewise, the user may exercise the rights of access, cancellation, rectification and opposition to the processing of their data in the legally provided cases, by means of a written and signed request addressed to: J.L. CASAJUANA LAWYERS c/ Diego de Leon 47 28006 Madrid Said request must include the following information: name and surname of the user, address and photocopy of the DNI/NIE/Passport.

5.2 Newsletter and Curriculum Vitae

By sending personal data through the Newsletter form provided for this purpose, the user expressly consents that their data may be used by J.L. CASAJUANA ABOGADOS to send news, communications, or other types of commercial information by email or by any other means. Inserted in the box of the form there is a box available to the user to oppose the sending of the information offered through the Newsletter. In the same way, this opposition may be manifested and made effective even after having sent your personal data to this Office. In each of the informative communications, the procedure enabled to oppose future shipments of commercial content will be indicated. The fields indicated within the Newsletter form are considered mandatory by J.L. CASAJUANA ABOGADOS for sending information to interested parties. In the event that the user does not complete all of them, the possibility of denying future communications will be at the discretion of this Law Firm. J.L. CASAJUANA ABOGADOS reserves the right to definitively cancel the free service for sending news and other commercial information through its Newsletter, as well as to alter, modify or suspend both the periodicity of the communications and the nature and extent of the same. .

5.3 Use of cookies

“Cookies” are small data files inserted into the user’s device and that transmit information exclusively related to the visit to the Website. The website of J.L. CASAJUANA ABOGADOS uses “cookies” solely for the purpose of facilitating the management of the Website and user navigation, however, by simply visiting or viewing the Website, no personal data is recorded. Through the information provided by this means, it is not possible to identify the user or associate such “cookies” with their personal data. It is also reported that this Website uses the analytical service of Google Analytics that collects information anonymously. This is a service outside of J.L. CASAJUANA ABOGADOS through which Google obtains information of interest on user browsing and Web Page trends.

6. Legislation

These General Conditions are subject to the Spanish legal system.

7. Jurisdiction

For the resolution of any conflict that may arise from accessing and visiting the Website, information and content of the Newsletter, or processing of personal data, the user and J.L. CASAJUANA ABOGADOS agree to expressly submit to the courts and tribunals of the city of Madrid, waiving any other general or special jurisdiction that may correspond to them.
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