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Author name: 401fa40a14

Participación en el programa de Radio Internacional

Participation in the International Radio program

Participation in the Radio International program . . José Luis Casajuana Ortiz, Partner of the firm, head of the international area and member of the Commercial Law Department, has participated today in the program of International Radio hosted by Cesar Sinde, commenting on the problems that many consumers are suffering from the iDental clinics scam

Participation in the International Radio program Read More »

En España no hay jurado, solo un “amago”

In Spain there is no jury, only a “threat”

In Spain there is no jury, only a “feint” . . In Spain, under the influence of French liberal currents, the participation of citizens in criminal justice by the Jury Court was embodied, generically, in art. 307 of the Cadiz Constitution of 1812, subsequently developed by the corresponding laws of Criminal Procedure and concordant laws,

In Spain there is no jury, only a “threat” Read More »

Ley sobre Startups

Startup Law, key to promoting entrepreneurship

Startup Law, key to promoting entrepreneurship The newspaper CINCO DÍAS echoes an interview with JLCASAJUANA’s partner, José Luis Casajuana Ortiz, asked about the purpose of the draft Law on Startups. We accompany below both the content of the interview and the text resulting from the journalistic article published in the legal section of this prestigious

Startup Law, key to promoting entrepreneurship Read More »

Entrevista a José Luis Casajuana Espinosa en la Sexta por el polémico gesto de Cristiano Ronaldo con Coca-Cola

Interview with José Luis Casajuana Espinosa for the controversial gesture of Cristiano Ronaldo with Coca-Cola

Interview with José Luis Casajuana Espinosa for the controversial gesture of Cristiano Ronaldo with Coca-Cola Last Wednesday, June 16, Sexa Noticias interviewed José Luis Casajuana Espinosa, director of the Office, about the controversial gesture that the soccer player, Cristiano Ronaldo, made during a press conference at the European Championship. The Portuguese player withdrew two bottles

Interview with José Luis Casajuana Espinosa for the controversial gesture of Cristiano Ronaldo with Coca-Cola Read More »

Moratoria en hipotecas y otros préstamos por el COVID-19

Moratorium on mortgages and other loans due to COVID-19

Moratorium on mortgages and other loans due to COVID-19 The RDL 11/2020 of March 31 has modified and expanded the measures initially provided for in RDL 8/2020 of March 17 in relation to the mortgage moratorium. The following advantages result from the combination of both standards. Cases in which a moratorium can be requested Debtors

Moratorium on mortgages and other loans due to COVID-19 Read More »

Abuso de funerarias ante el Covid-19

Abuse of funeral homes before the Covid-19

Abuse of funeral homes before the Covid-19 We are hearing from relatives of those who died from Coronavirus who are receiving excessive prices from the companies in charge of processing the funeral service. Some funeral homes take advantage of the excessive demand for their services to increase prices and obtain an additional benefit, taking advantage

Abuse of funeral homes before the Covid-19 Read More »

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