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Differences between objective dismissals and disciplinary dismissals When a worker is fired, he is assailed by multiple doubts about himself. Not only

How to calculate severance pay

How to calculate severance pay How severance payments are calculated In previous articles we have discussed both the types of dismissal that

Types of severance payments

Types of severance payments At the moment a worker is dismissed, the first thing to do is to become aware of the

Disciplinary sanctions in a company

Disciplinary sanctions in a company Has your company sanctioned you and you are not satisfied? Throughout our working life as an employee,

Jobs in a succession of companies

Jobs in a succession of companies A frequent question that every worker asks himself in a succession of companies is what happens

The Supreme Court declares that paid leave must begin on a business day The Supreme Court has issued an important ruling dated

A company is condemned for paying its male employees more First judgment against the pay gap. Condemns a company for paying its

Current challenges of labor law in Spain and its practical application to the company On May 10, 2018, we had the opportunity

The keys to the new Record of Day

The keys to the new Record of Day Regarding the entry into force on May 12 of the amendment to art. 34

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