Commercial Law

Causas de extinción en el contrato de agencia

Causes of termination in the agency contract

Causes of termination in the agency contract Most disputes arising from an agency contract arise when the contractual relationship comes to an end. Which happens because the commercial agent is entitled to compensation for clientele if it has generated more business for the businessman and it is understood that he will be able to continue […]

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Abuso de posición dominante en franquicias

Abuse of dominant position in franchises

Abuse of dominant position in franchises In a franchise contract the franchisor requires certain conditions from the franchisee for the opening of an establishment with his name and its integration into the franchise network. The franchisee, for his part, obtains the commercialization of the franchised product and the use of the brand and other distinctive

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Indemnizaciones por finalizar el contrato de agencia

Indemnities for ending the agency contract

Indemnities for ending the agency contract When the agency contract comes to an end, by any of the possible forms of termination of the contractual relationship, the agent needs information from the < strong>compensation that can be claimed from the employer. The interests of the agent are opposed to those of the employer, it is

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Cobertura económica para la asistencia jurídica en materia de consumidores

Financial coverage for legal assistance in consumer matters

Financial coverage for legal assistance in consumer matters Contrary to what it might seem, the home insurance policy has a broader scope of coverage than damage to the insured’s home and their belongings. Although it will be necessary to attend to the specific case, many home insurance policies provide among their guarantees the coverage of

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Reclamación del precio de la vivienda no entregada

Claim of the price of the house not delivered

Claim for the price of the house not delivered There are many Spaniards who agreed to purchase a home off-plan, paying the corresponding reserve price, and subsequently have been left without receiving said promised home or recovering the amounts delivered back in the day. Many developers and construction companies have gone bankrupt, entering bankruptcy proceedings,

Claim of the price of the house not delivered Read More »

Derecho de información de los propietarios en una junta de vecinos

Owners’ right to information in a neighborhood meeting

Owners’ right to information in a neighborhood meeting Limits on the right to information of owners in a neighborhood meeting A client raises the following question regarding the Meeting of Owners where the change of elevators in his building was agreed. In the call it was indicated, within the items on the agenda, that the

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Las comunidades de vecinos son consumidores al firmar contratos de arrendamiento de servicios

Neighborhood communities are consumers when signing service lease contracts

Neighbourhood communities are consumers when signing service lease contracts In a new Judgment of April 13, 2021, the Supreme Court has recognized that the neighborhood communities are consumers in relation to the lease contracts for services that may formalize such as maintenance of facilities and elevators, cleaning of common areas, garbage collection, concierge services, etc.

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La fusión de empresas: clases y procedimiento

The merger of companies: classes and procedure

The merger of companies: classes and procedure In previous articles, such as the one by Joint Agreements Venture, we identify the merger of companies as a business growth operation in which two or more registered commercial companies are integrated into a single company through the block transfer of their assets and the attribution to the

The merger of companies: classes and procedure Read More »

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