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Author name: 401fa40a14

¿Puede reconvenir el reconvenido?, ¿Cabe por tanto la “re-reconvención”?

Can the defendant retaliate? Is there therefore a “reclaim”?

Can the defendant retaliate? Is there therefore a “reclaim”? The Civil Procedure Law (LEC) contains a procedural figure of evident practical value and widely used in litigation between companies and between individuals: the counterclaim. p> With it, both the procedural parties and the Administration of Justice are spared the need to promote and know, respectively, […]

Can the defendant retaliate? Is there therefore a “reclaim”? Read More »

Responsabilidad de los administradores por cierre de la empresa

Responsibility of administrators for closure of the company

Responsibility of administrators for closure of the company In this article we will try to answer the question of whether administrators should respond with their assets for the debts contracted by the company, when they leave the business without pay creditors and leave the company without activity. We know that many make this decision precisely

Responsibility of administrators for closure of the company Read More »

Aportaciones de socios sin ampliación de capital

Partner contributions without capital increase

Partner contributions without capital increase We address this study on the possibility of partners making contributions to the company without being considered as a capital increase. It is a practice that has become popular in recent times. The main reason why the partner may be interested to the detriment of the regulated capital increase in the

Partner contributions without capital increase Read More »

La retribución de los Administradores en las sociedades de capital

The remuneration of the Administrators in capital companies

The remuneration of the Administrators in capital companies The correct documentation of the remuneration system for company administrators is a relevant issue. It is for the corporate directors and also for the company itself due to its tax repercussions. The members of the administrative body must meet certain formal requirements in order to receive emoluments

The remuneration of the Administrators in capital companies Read More »

Operación acordeón en empresas

Solutions to conflict of partners: the right of separation

Solutions to conflict of partners: the right of separation Solutions to partner conflicts: the partner’s right to separate Shareholder conflicts affect the minority partner to a greater extent. As the latter is left in a disadvantaged position, the majority partners can approve agreements to limit the participation of the minority partner in the life of

Solutions to conflict of partners: the right of separation Read More »

Votación a distancia y anticipada en la Junta de una Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada

Remote and Early Voting at the Meeting of a Limited Liability Company

Remote and Early Voting at the Meeting of a Limited Liability Company Can a partner of a limited liability company cast their vote remotely and in advance? Today it is common for the partners of a limited liability company not to reside in the city or country in which the company’s registered office is located.

Remote and Early Voting at the Meeting of a Limited Liability Company Read More »

Derecho de los socios a participar de las ganancias sociales y sus limitaciones

Right of partners to participate in company profits and their limitations

Right of partners to participate in company profits and their limitations Article 93 of the Capital Companies Act (LSC) establishes the rights held by any of the partners by the mere fact of being one. Specifically, section “a” of the aforementioned article provides that: Article 93 Rights of the partner: “In the terms established in

Right of partners to participate in company profits and their limitations Read More »

Asistencia por medios telemáticos a la junta en una sociedad de responsabilidad limitada

Assistance by telematic means to the meeting in a company

Assistance by telematic means to the meeting in a company Attendance by telematic means to the meeting in a limited liability company Can a partner of a limited liability company attend the Meeting electronically? In the same way that occurs with early voting, this specialty of attendance at the Board is only regulated in the

Assistance by telematic means to the meeting in a company Read More »

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