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Capital punishment and euthanasia

Capital punishment and euthanasia We all know perfectly well that in Spain, currently, there is no death penalty, also dominated in the

The right of victims to the last word in court In the current criminal process in Spain, the defendants, in addition to

Criminal courts before covid-19

Criminal courts before covid-19 The “ZOOM” has already begun to operate as new and, in the present exceptional circumstances, almost essential jurisdictional

Confessions and false statements in criminal proceedings The article 406 of the still valid Criminal Procedure Law (RD September 14, 1882), contains

Criminal defense for mental disorders and abnormalities Among the Criminal Lawyers It is known and commented that “when rationally and legally we

USA. Protests in criminal proceedings: summary practical view To practice law before the courts of Justice of the United States, both at

Radical transformation of “litigation” As Court Lawyers, especially criminal lawyers, we have always liked to conceptualize ourselves and, even, internally visualize ourselves

Judgment estimating claim for subordinated obligations The judgment of Madrid Court of First Instance No. 37 of February 24, 2015 upheld a

Purchase and sale of company shares

Purchase and sale of company shares The following is the Buying and selling of company shares, an issue that worries partners who

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