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Nullity of usurious interest on microloans, consumer loans and cards revolving At JLCasajuana Abogados we are specialists in claims against microloan companies,

Improper inclusions in asset solvency files Compensation of up to 10,000 euros for improper inclusions in asset solvency files What are asset

The new bankruptcy law puts the second chance in check Article published in the newspaper Cinco Días. We share the following article

Can a company claim for its improper inclusion in a delinquent file? In recent years we have seen how natural persons have

Claim against improper inclusion in the CIRBE Although the Central de Información de Riesgos del Banco de España (CIRBE) is not properly

Judgment of the European Court of Justice on labor compensation The Sentence issued by the European Court of Justice, dated September 14,

Registration of working hours and control of overtime Then we address the problem of companies and their workers in the treatment of

Verbal dismissal: How to proceed

Verbal dismissal: How to proceed There are many occasions in which workers suffer dismissals which, as they lack written communication, constitute an

Objective dismissals against justified work absenteeism There is no doubt that absenteeism is today one of the most serious problems in the

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