
Partner contributions without capital increase We address this study on the possibility of partners making contributions to the company without being considered as

Call of general meeting by email

Call of general meeting by email The problem of a General Meeting Call by email In order to duly hold a general

Right to examine the accounting of the limited company One of the rights that the Law recognizes to the partners of a

The remuneration of the Administrators in capital companies The correct documentation of the remuneration system for company administrators is a relevant issue.

Solutions to conflict of partners: the right of separation Solutions to partner conflicts: the partner’s right to separate Shareholder conflicts affect the

Remote and Early Voting at the Meeting of a Limited Liability Company Can a partner of a limited liability company cast their

Right of partners to participate in company profits and their limitations Article 93 of the Capital Companies Act (LSC) establishes the rights

Assistance by telematic means to the meeting in a company Attendance by telematic means to the meeting in a limited liability company

Possible options before a benefit of the company What to do with the profits of a company? When a company obtains great

Infórmese sin compromiso


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    Según el Reglamento (UE) 2016/679 de 27 de abril de 2016, puede ejercitar los derechos de acceso, rectificación, oposición y supresión dirigiéndose por escrito a CASAJUANA ASESORES S.L.P en la Calle de Diego de León, 47, 28006, Madrid o al correo electrónico


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