
Accordion operation in companies

Accordion operation in companies The accordion operation. Give yourself a new chance Every business venture is a bet that can be successful

Duties and obligations of the company administrators Title VI of the Capital Companies Law regulates matters concerning the administration of a company,

Demand of responsibility to the Administrators of companies The administrators’ obligations are included in articles 225 et seq. of the Capital Companies

How to dissolve a company if one of the partners does not want to How to dissolve a company if one of

Ancillary obligations for the business partner Ancillary obligations for the business partner: an obligation or a right? The client we had quoted

The call to a general meeting as a right of the partner The summoning of the partners to the general meeting by

Unfair competition from a former business partner One of our most established clients in the Firm asks us the following question: his

Can the defendant retaliate? Is there therefore a “reclaim”? The Civil Procedure Law (LEC) contains a procedural figure of evident practical value

Responsibility of administrators for closure of the company In this article we will try to answer the question of whether administrators should

Infórmese sin compromiso


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