
The difficult framing within managerial relationships What types of managerial relationships exist? Senior manager? Manager in common employment regime? Director, administrator or

Lawyers specializing in Senior Managers The importance of the advice of a specialist lawyer in the relations of Senior Managers, Managers in

Indemnity for dismissal and cessation of the Senior Manager Compensation for dismissals and dismissals of Senior Managers, Managers in common labor regime

Termination of the Senior Manager’s contract by the will of the employer The Senior Manager can see his contract terminated either by

The Senior Manager’s contract and its peculiarities Regulation of the Senior Management contract The employment relationship of the Senior Manager is a

What is the post-contractual non-competition agreement What is the post-contractual non-competition agreement and its requirements The post-contractual non-competition agreement is a clause

Taxation of compensation of Senior Managers One of the main characteristics of the compensation set by the Workers’ Statute in cases of

The expatriation of managers. The expatriation letter In a globalized world, it is increasingly common to find the expatriate figure among managers,

  Senior Manager contract negotiation As we have commented in other of our articles, one of the key moments in any managerial

Infórmese sin compromiso


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