Family meeting points

Family Law: Family meeting points
The problems derived from a marital conflict that ends in divorce are multiple and of a very diverse nature.
In previous articles I have already referred to some of them, perhaps the most important, because they are fundamentally those that affect children and especially when they are minors.
Issues such as guardianship and joint custody of children in divorces (whether it is going to be shared or not) food, studies, visitation, care usual medical conditions and a long etcetera form a maremagnun that must be taken into account to achieve maximum harmony within the novelty that a marital breakdown and, therefore, a family breakdown always implies.
The work of lawyers specializing in Family Law, judges , expert psychologists etc. It must consist primarily of making it possible for this break to be as traumatic as possible.
In most cases coexistence between siblings should be facilitated by preventing them from living apart (although there are somewhat special cases in which the judicial decision has been to “distribute” the children between the parents in their day-to-day lives and set dates of cohabitation based on the needs and particularities that come together in each case).
Since it is not always possible for parents to communicate with their children in a normalized manner in their respective homes, what are known as Family meeting points >.
Family meeting points in divorces
These points are something like a place that replaces the family home and that makes it possible for parents to communicate with children, even between siblings
It is a lesser evil to alleviate truly conflictive situations and ideally it should attend to exceptional situations and temporarily not perpetually until the relationships (after divorce) become normalized over time.
Unfortunately, cases of gender violence often foster these meeting points as they become a minor solution to very serious coexistence problems.< /p>
Even their existence may be justified for reasons of safety for minors and to avoid particularly tense and unpleasant situations of fights, insults, belittlement between parents on the occasion of complying with the visiting regime that has been adopted in the judicial resolution.
The distance between residences, the fact that the parent who does not have custody and custody (that is, the non-custodial parent ) lives in another city , lacking a suitable place to carry out these visits or, as has already been said, the terrible relationship (sometimes even aggressive) between the parents make these meeting points always supervised by the parent specialized personnel.
But not only can there be a bad parental relationship that justifies the need for these centers, but on other occasions it is precisely the children who make them essential< /strong> due to their behavior, such as when a child constantly fights with a sibling they do not live with or simply refuses to see their non-custodial parent.
The task of the professionals who attend these centers –people specially qualified for it– is essential since it is these technicians who must mark the evolution of the meetings and for this they must previously carry out a work of exploration of the minors, interviews with the parents and constant monitoring of the behavior of each other.
Of course, each case is different and although there are ordinary guidelines it will be necessary to adapt them to specific needs. It is not the same, as I already said, a case in which the non-custodial parent does not have a domicile in that locality as if they do have one, or the possibilities of mobility in the city where the meeting takes place are greater or less, etc. so there will be cases, the majority, in which these points only meet the need for a place of reference for the delivery and collection of minors, so that at the time indicated for this purpose it is done delivery of the same and are returned at the set time, spending the rest of the day freely and in others they serve as a permanent place for the appointment, the state of the facilities, comfort and spaciousness being very important in these cases…. make the stay there as light as possible
Considerations on Family Meeting Points
Finally, two considerations. The first of these is that these meeting places, which administratively depend on the Autonomous Communities, require exhaustive control by specialists who have to make an assessment of each appointment so that they must gradually elaborate what We could call it an individual file where the evolution in each case must be faithfully reflected. Only in this way is it possible to get an idea of how problems should be solved in the future.
And the second, and sorry for the obviousness, the greater or lesser success of this work is undoubtedly conditioned by the behavior of the parents without whose contribution and goodwill little can be achieved. A limited duration of meetings is synonymous with success, since it indicates that relationships, even within the distance, have normalized and coexistence under visits can be done normally without the need to resort to these aids.
Therefore, courage and good will.