Purchase and sale of companies

JLCasajuana Abogados y BAUM, asesoran en la adquisición de Sling Supply International por parte de Royal Van Beest

JLCasajuana Abogados and BAUM advise on the acquisition of Sling Supply International by Royal Van Beest

  JLCasajuana Abogados and BAUM advise on the acquisition of Sling Supply International by Royal Van Beest BAUM has advised the acquiring party, Royal Van Beest Group, in the acquisition of 100% of Sling Supply International, a Spanish company specialized in the wind energy market, which has been advised by JLCasajuana Abogados. Sling Supply International […]

JLCasajuana Abogados and BAUM advise on the acquisition of Sling Supply International by Royal Van Beest Read More »

Mecanismos de cierre de operaciones corporativas

Mechanisms for closing corporate operations

Mechanisms for closing corporate operations Corporate or M&A transactions, such as mergers and acquisitions, are a common business strategy for business growth and expansion. These transactions are not only a source of growth and diversification for companies, but also have the potential to create shareholder value and improve efficiency and profitability. However, for these operations

Mechanisms for closing corporate operations Read More »

Digitalización en la Due Diligence en procesos de M&A

Digitization in Due Diligence in M&A processes

Digitization in Due Diligence in M&A processes The role of digitization in M&A operations In today’s business world, digitization has become a fundamental tool for competitiveness and long-term success. Corporate transactions are no exception, and companies are increasingly turning to digitization to optimize and improve their merger and acquisition processes. In this article, we explore

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Firma y cierre en operaciones de compraventa de empresas

Firma y cierre en operaciones de compraventa de empresas

Signing and closing of company purchase and sale transactions Business purchase agreements, known as SPAs, are complex legal documents that establish the conditions for the acquisition of a company. In these transactions, it is common to work with two fundamental concepts: signing and closing. We will explain the difference between both milestones, their relevance, and

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Ajuste de precio y locked box en operaciones de compraventa

Price adjustment and locked box in purchase and sale operations

Price adjustment and locked box in purchase and sale transactions In M&A transactions or company sale and purchase agreements, the price determines the most relevant business circumstance. However, given the length of time required for this type of transaction, it is difficult to establish a balanced price from the outset. Bear in mind that the

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Las cláusulas MAC en los contratos de compraventa de empresas

MAC clauses in business purchase and sale contracts

MAC clauses in business purchase and sale contracts The objective of this article is to offer a first orientation on the content and usefulness of the MAC clauses, which allows defining their meaning and understanding their relevance in the framework of a negotiation in the sale of a company. The MAC clause (Material Adverse Change)

MAC clauses in business purchase and sale contracts Read More »

Impacto de los mecanismos de cierre en la gestión empresarial

Impact of closing mechanisms on business management

Impact of closing mechanisms on business management In previous articles on M&A consultancy, we addressed different issues that affect the agreement reached between two parties for the integration of companies. Regardless of the formula chosen (merger, absorption, etc.), we have stopped on different occasions in the analysis of the closing formulas. Precisely because of the

Impact of closing mechanisms on business management Read More »

El Share Purchase Agreement (SPA) y el Asset Purchase Agreement (APA)

El Share Purchase Agreement y el Asset Purchase Agreement El Asset Purchase Agreement (APA) y el Share Purchase Agreement (SPA) son dos tipos de acuerdos comúnmente utilizados en operaciones de compra de empresas. Ambos contratos regulan la transacción de bienes y activos, pero presentan diferencias significativas en cuanto a qué se está comprando y qué responsabilidades

El Share Purchase Agreement (SPA) y el Asset Purchase Agreement (APA) Read More »

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