Bankruptcy Law

Proyecto de ley modificador de la ley de sociedades de capital

Bill amending the capital companies law

Bill amending the capital companies law What do the changes you propose mean? On September 7 of last year, the Bill of Law amending the consolidated text of the Capital Companies Law was published in the Official Gazette of the Cortes Generales, approved in turn by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2010, of July 2, and other

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Disolución de la sociedad y responsabilidad o no de sus administradores

Dissolution of the company and responsibility or not of its administrators

Dissolution of the company and responsibility or not of its administrators Actualmente y con motivo de la pandemia mundial provocada por el COVID-19 el legislador ha modificado la normativa sobre disolución de las sociedades mercantiles afectando con ello al régimen de responsabilidad de los administradores sociales, suspendiendo la obligación de disolución de las compañías mercantiles

Dissolution of the company and responsibility or not of its administrators Read More »

El privilegio del crédito público en el concurso y preconcurso de acreedores

The privilege of public credit in bankruptcy and pre-bankruptcy

The privilege of public credit in bankruptcy and pre-bankruptcy Public credit, the benefit of exoneration of unsatisfied liabilities (Second Chance Law) and the suspension of singular executions in the pre-bankruptcy: current regulation in the Bankruptcy Law. Already before the approval of the Royal Legislative Decree 1/2020, of May 5, which approves the consolidated text of

The privilege of public credit in bankruptcy and pre-bankruptcy Read More »

Separación de socios en empresas declaradas en concurso

Separation of partners in companies declared bankrupt

Separation of partners in companies declared bankrupt The right of separation of partners in companies declared bankruptcy In this article we will study the repercussions of the Supreme Court Judgment nº4/2021, of January 15 (Rec. 2424/2018), since This has clarified the criteria to be followed with reference to the partner’s right of separation in companies

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Reestructuración de la empresa como alternativa al concurso de acreedores

Restructuring of the company as an alternative to bankruptcy

Restructuring of the company as an alternative to bankruptcy The economic downturn caused by the COVID-19 crisis has placed many companies in insolvency situations that require swift action to achieve company viability. Spanish regulations offer alternatives to ensure the survival of the business, being in any case necessary a good previous study of the situation

Restructuring of the company as an alternative to bankruptcy Read More »

Qué tipo de concursos de acreedores existen y cómo se declaran

What type of bankruptcy exists and how are they declared?

What type of bankruptcy exists and how are they declared? Although the bankruptcy can lead to the closure and liquidation of the company after a situation of lack of liquidity, if requested on time, it does not have to mean the certificate of death of the business but one more tool offered by the Spanish

What type of bankruptcy exists and how are they declared? Read More »

Liquidar una empresa. Qué es y cómo liquidar una sociedad mercantil

liquidate a company What is and how to liquidate a commercial company

liquidate a company What is and how to liquidate a commercial company What is a company? If we had to define what a company is in a simple, clear and not so technical way, we could take into account the definition of the economist Sanchez Galán: “A company is an organization of people and resources

liquidate a company What is and how to liquidate a commercial company Read More »

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