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Bankruptcy Law

Las claves del nuevo Registro de Jornada

Liability of administrators for losses

Liability of administrators for losses It is known that both Limited Companies and Anonymous Companies are liable for the debts contracted for the business activity with its own resources, leaving the assets of its partners and administrators safe. However, managers of small and medium-sized businesses often forget or are even unaware that their absence of […]

Liability of administrators for losses Read More »

Obligaciones y contratos en tiempos del covid-19

Obligations and contracts in times of covid-19

Obligations and contracts in times of covid-19 Obligations and contracts in times of Coronavirus: Force majeure and “rebus sic stantibus” The crisis generated by COVID-19 has caused many companies and individuals to be unable to carry out, or unable to comply in the agreed terms, the obligations assumed under contracts of a nature civil and

Obligations and contracts in times of covid-19 Read More »

Requisitos para acceder a la ley de Segunda Oportunidad

Requirements to access the Second Chance law

Requirements to access the Second Chance law Since the entry into force of Royal Decree-Law 1/2015, of February 27, on the second chance mechanism, reduction of financial burden and other measures of social order, better known as Second Chance Law, natural persons began to receive the same treatment against to bankruptcy than legal entities. The

Requirements to access the Second Chance law Read More »

¿Quién, cuándo y cómo se solicita el concurso de acreedores?

Who, when and how is the bankruptcy requested?

Who, when and how is the bankruptcy requested? With the uncertain times we are experiencing due to the COVID-19 health crisis, many people are wondering what will happen once the state of lockdown is lifted alarm, in what situation their businesses or companies will be left and if they will be able to face the

Who, when and how is the bankruptcy requested? Read More »

Insolvencia en particulares y autónomos. La ley de segunda oportunidad

Insolvency in individuals and self-employed. The second chance law

Insolvency in individuals and self-employed. The second chance law The State of Alarm declared by the Government has brought with it the need to take measures for all those who have seen their economic activity diminish. Many individuals and the self-employed live with the uncertainty of not knowing when we will be able to return

Insolvency in individuals and self-employed. The second chance law Read More »

Soluciones para empresas que no pueden cumplir sus compromisos contractuales

Solutions for companies that cannot meet their contractual commitments

Solutions for companies that cannot meet their contractual commitments Covid 19: Solutions for companies that cannot meet their contractual commitments Through RD 463/2020 of March 14 the government declared a state of alarm in order to deal with the health emergency caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19), forcing confinement of citizens and the closure of establishments

Solutions for companies that cannot meet their contractual commitments Read More »

Alternativas legales ante una posible insolvencia

Legal alternatives before a possible insolvency

Legal alternatives to possible insolvency . . Alternatives to insolvency proceedings in the face of possible insolvency With the healthcare crisis situation due to COVID-19, many companies are wondering how they will be able to meet their debts and whether they will find themselves in insolvency when it all passes. To begin with, it is

Legal alternatives before a possible insolvency Read More »

Cancelación de deudas mediante la ley de Segunda Oportunidad

Cancellation of debts through the Second Chance law

Cancellation of debts through the Second Chance Law . . The Second Chance Law establishes an administrative process aimed at the cancellation of debts by Law, that is to say, it is a tool at the service of individuals and self-employed individuals that allows them to overcome their insolvency situation and lighten their financial burden,

Cancellation of debts through the Second Chance law Read More »

Efectos del estado de alarma sobre el concurso de acreedores

Effects of the state of alarm on bankruptcy

Effects of the state of alarm on insolvency proceedings . . With the declaration of the state of alarm due to the health emergency caused as a result of COVID-19, our economy has been greatly affected, since there are numerous self-employed and companies that have been forced to close their businesses in order to face

Effects of the state of alarm on bankruptcy Read More »

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