Author name: 401fa40a14

Reestructuración de la empresa como alternativa al concurso de acreedores

Restructuring of the company as an alternative to bankruptcy

Restructuring of the company as an alternative to bankruptcy The economic downturn caused by the COVID-19 crisis has placed many companies in insolvency situations that require swift action to achieve company viability. Spanish regulations offer alternatives to ensure the survival of the business, being in any case necessary a good previous study of the situation

Restructuring of the company as an alternative to bankruptcy Read More »

Qué tipo de concursos de acreedores existen y cómo se declaran

What type of bankruptcy exists and how are they declared?

What type of bankruptcy exists and how are they declared? Although the bankruptcy can lead to the closure and liquidation of the company after a situation of lack of liquidity, if requested on time, it does not have to mean the certificate of death of the business but one more tool offered by the Spanish

What type of bankruptcy exists and how are they declared? Read More »

Liquidar una empresa. Qué es y cómo liquidar una sociedad mercantil

liquidate a company What is and how to liquidate a commercial company

liquidate a company What is and how to liquidate a commercial company What is a company? If we had to define what a company is in a simple, clear and not so technical way, we could take into account the definition of the economist Sanchez Galán: “A company is an organization of people and resources

liquidate a company What is and how to liquidate a commercial company Read More »

Evitar el concurso de acreedores en el sector hotelero

Avoid bankruptcy in the hotel sector

Avoid bankruptcy in the hotel sector Introduction Hotels are businesses seriously affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, just like other establishments in the tourism sector. The lack of mobility caused by the social alert in general, and by the restrictions imposed by the administrations in particular, caused a sudden decrease in social displacements and in the

Avoid bankruptcy in the hotel sector Read More »

¿Están exonerando los tribunales los créditos de naturaleza pública tras la reforma de la Ley Concursal?

Are the courts exonerating credits of a public nature after the reform of the Bankruptcy Law?

Are the courts exonerating credits of a public nature after the reform of the Bankruptcy Law? For years there has been a wide controversy regarding the applicability of the Dissatisfied Liability Exemption Benefit (BEPI) or, as it is commonly known, “Second Chance< /strong>”, to public law debts, that is, those that the debtor maintains with

Are the courts exonerating credits of a public nature after the reform of the Bankruptcy Law? Read More »

Ley de segunda oportunidad para empresarios

Second Chance Law for Entrepreneurs

Can entrepreneurs get a second chance in the face of business failure? The second chance of the entrepreneur strong> consists of an out-of-court negotiation procedure between the debtor businessman and his creditors, in order to reach an understanding on the form of payment that can benefit both parties without impoverishing the debtor. This understanding will

Second Chance Law for Entrepreneurs Read More »

Cómo se tramita un procedimiento de segunda oportunidad o BEPI

How is a second chance procedure or BEPI processed?

How is a second chance procedure or BEPI processed? How is a second chance procedure processed according to RD 1/2020, consolidated text of the bankruptcy law? Budgets to obtain the Second Chance or BEPI The basic budget on which depends what is commonly known as Second Chance or, as scientific doctrine calls it, BEPI (Unsatisfied

How is a second chance procedure or BEPI processed? Read More »

Límites a la responsabilidad tributaria de los administradores por cese de actividad de la compañía

Limits to the tax liability of administrators due to cessation of company activity

Limits to the tax liability of administrators due to cessation of company activity Article written by María Olivares Sánchez, an expert in Bankruptcy Law and published in the newspaper Economist & Jurist. The claim of the AEAT to obtain the collection of debts accumulated by inactive mercantile companies charged to their administrators is not new.

Limits to the tax liability of administrators due to cessation of company activity Read More »

Inmuebles no inscritos en el Registro de la Propiedad

Properties not registered in the Land Registry

Properties not registered in the Land Registry Problems of properties not registered in the Property Registry The registration of a property in the Land Registry is always advisable. The main purpose of registration is to prove ownership to third parties. Sometimes the registry information does not match the real ownership of the properties, which often

Properties not registered in the Land Registry Read More »

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