
Arbitration as an alternative dispute resolution method Conflicts between natural or legal persons can be resolved through a negotiated solution between the

Understanding the differences between “liquidated damages” and damages The “liquidated damages” clauses and the “penalty clause” as a “penalty clause”. Comparison between

Claims for anti-competitive conduct within the framework of the European Union Introduction As we have already commented in various publications, commercial practices

Consequences of the failure to notify the defendant of the procedural default In this article we will discuss the possible consequences of

Claim of withholdings of work

Claim for work withholdings Claim for work withholdings As its name indicates, guarantee retention is applied to construction invoices to compromise the

Claim for the price of the house not delivered There are many Spaniards who agreed to purchase a home off-plan, paying the

What is project finance

What is Project Finance Pproject Finance is a legal figure that allows the financing of a project through the cash flows that

Factoring contracts as a means of financing for companies By means of this type of contract, a Factoring company (commonly called a

What are Confirming agreements?

What are Confirming agreements? After having made a brief presentation on Factoring as a means of financing for companies, we are going

Infórmese sin compromiso


    En virtud de lo dispuesto en el Reglamento (UE) 2016/679 del Parlamento europeo y del consejo de 27 de abril de 2016 relativo a la protección de las personas físicas en lo que respecta al tratamiento de datos personales, CASAJUANA ASESORES S.L.P le informa que sus datos personales incorporados en este formulario, serán incluidos en un fichero creado bajo nuestra responsabilidad, con la finalidad de comunicarnos con usted para llevar a cabo el mantenimiento y control de la relación negocial que nos vincula y podrán ser cedidos a terceros para gestionar la relación negocial.
    Según el Reglamento (UE) 2016/679 de 27 de abril de 2016, puede ejercitar los derechos de acceso, rectificación, oposición y supresión dirigiéndose por escrito a CASAJUANA ASESORES S.L.P en la Calle de Diego de León, 47, 28006, Madrid o al correo electrónico


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