
Compensation for humidity in the basement In previous articles we studied possible claims for dampness in homes. Specifically in the post Damp

What is a community property

What is a community property The legal dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy of Language (RAE) defines the community of property as

The looting of the Spanish Historical Heritage Spain, due to its extensive and diverse history, is creditor of one of the most

National legislative protection of the Spanish Historical Heritage In the previous article on the looting of the Spanish Historical Heritage, from now

International Protection of Historical Heritage In previous articles we studied the legislative measures that exist in Spain for the protection of its

Co-ownership as a specific type of community property Co-ownership as a specific type of community of property: Legal regime, powers of use,

Co-ownership as a specific type of community property Co-ownership as a specific type of community of property: Legal regime, powers of use,

¿What can be negotiated in a rental agreement? The regulation of urban leases is of paramount importance for the lives of many

Can the resolutions of cassation appeals of the Supreme Court be appealed? The appeal Faced with the dismissal of an appeal before

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