
Claim for damages, non-contractual liability non-contractual liability is that which is not derived from a contractual relationship between the parties. Examples of

The passing on of expenses to the tenants Passing on tenants (Leasing contracts signed under the 1994 Urban Leasing Law (LAU’94)). In

Dominical presumption of the title registered in the registry We have commented in previous articles that it is always advisable to register

What to do if my home has been occupied Someone occupies part of the land or house that belongs to me, what

How do I get my property back?

How do I get my property back? We considered the defense of the owner of a property that sees the possession of

Scope of property law

Scope of property law Property in Spanish Law Property is the direct and immediate power over an object or good, by which

Housing acquired in undivided favor It is very common for marriages under a separation of property regime (in which each spouse belongs

Seizure of future credits

Seizure of future credits Given the socioeconomic situation that the country has been going through for almost a decade now, , unfortunately,

Humidity in homes and communities of owners We are going to explain a recurring problem in real estate law, consisting of the

Infórmese sin compromiso


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