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The right to digital disconnection

The right to digital disconnection In Europe this right is only recognized by law in Spain, France and Belgium. More and more

The importance of a good dismissal letter The dismissal letter is the document through which the employer proceeds to end the employment

The dismissal of the workforce due to the closure of the work center Whether for economic, technical or organizational reasons, closing a

The dismissal of the worker for supervening ineptitude The termination of the employment relationship due to sudden ineptitude is a type of

Whatsapp messages in the workplace

Whatsapp messages in the workplace Millions of people communicate through instant messaging applications, one of the best known today is the application

Dismissal for absenteeism

Dismissal for absenteeism The Plenary of the Constitutional Court endorses the dismissal for objective reasons of employees who are absent intermittently from

Do hours on call or on call need to be recorded? Time recording (Part II): Should the hours available or on call

How to negotiate a senior management contract? When hiring a worker, it is very important to assess the various legal formulas for

When are processing salaries paid and what is their amount? Until now, and after the reform introduced by the Royal Decree Law

Infórmese sin compromiso


    En virtud de lo dispuesto en el Reglamento (UE) 2016/679 del Parlamento europeo y del consejo de 27 de abril de 2016 relativo a la protección de las personas físicas en lo que respecta al tratamiento de datos personales, CASAJUANA ASESORES S.L.P le informa que sus datos personales incorporados en este formulario, serán incluidos en un fichero creado bajo nuestra responsabilidad, con la finalidad de comunicarnos con usted para llevar a cabo el mantenimiento y control de la relación negocial que nos vincula y podrán ser cedidos a terceros para gestionar la relación negocial.
    Según el Reglamento (UE) 2016/679 de 27 de abril de 2016, puede ejercitar los derechos de acceso, rectificación, oposición y supresión dirigiéndose por escrito a CASAJUANA ASESORES S.L.P en la Calle de Diego de León, 47, 28006, Madrid o al correo electrónico


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