
La hostelería y la restauración en el punto de mira

The hotel and restaurant industry in the spotlight

Hotels and restaurants in the spotlight. Fraud of the law in contracting According to data from the Ministry of Employment registered by the Public State Employment Service (SEPE), in the last month of August a total of 1,519,922 contracts were signed, 5, 15% less than last year. Of this total number of contracts, almost 92% […]

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Moratoria en el pago de rentas de locales comerciales por el COVID-19

Moratorium on the payment of rents for commercial premises due to COVID-19

Moratorium on the payment of rents for commercial premises due to COVID-19 The RDL 15/2020 of April 21 has come to regulate, among other matters, an aspect that did not have specific regulations in the Urban Leasing Law (LAU) and that is crucial during the state of alarm decreed by the Council of Ministers. This

Moratorium on the payment of rents for commercial premises due to COVID-19 Read More »

Modificación de los compromisos contractuales frente a la crisis del Covid-19

Modification of contractual commitments in the face of the Covid-19 crisis

Modification of contractual commitments in the face of the Covid-19 crisis The crisis caused by the coronavirus inevitably breaks the normalized market situation that existed prior to March 2020, affecting multiple agents, companies and the self-employed; as well as the contractual relationships that had been assumed before the development of the disease among the population,

Modification of contractual commitments in the face of the Covid-19 crisis Read More »

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