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State of alarm for COVID-19

Moratoria en hipotecas y otros préstamos por el COVID-19

Moratorium on mortgages and other loans due to COVID-19

Moratorium on mortgages and other loans due to COVID-19 The RDL 11/2020 of March 31 has modified and expanded the measures initially provided for in RDL 8/2020 of March 17 in relation to the mortgage moratorium. The following advantages result from the combination of both standards. Cases in which a moratorium can be requested Debtors […]

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Abuso de funerarias ante el Covid-19

Abuse of funeral homes before the Covid-19

Abuse of funeral homes before the Covid-19 We are hearing from relatives of those who died from Coronavirus who are receiving excessive prices from the companies in charge of processing the funeral service. Some funeral homes take advantage of the excessive demand for their services to increase prices and obtain an additional benefit, taking advantage

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Modificación o suspensión del pago de suministros en establecimientos comerciales

Modification or suspension of payment for supplies in commercial establishments

Modification or suspension of payment for supplies in commercial establishments Measures adopted by Royal Decree Law 11/2020 for the self-employed and companies in relation to the electricity and natural gas supplies of their establishments As a novelty regarding the measures adopted to date by the Government of Spain to alleviate the economic consequences derived from

Modification or suspension of payment for supplies in commercial establishments Read More »

Indemnización por el cierre del negocio durante el Estado de Alarma

Compensation for the closure of the business during the State of Alarm

Compensation for the closure of the business during the State of Alarm Can compensation be claimed from insurance companies for the stoppage of the economic activity of a business as a result of covid-19? Since the pandemic derived from COVID-19 was declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the serious damage that it produced

Compensation for the closure of the business during the State of Alarm Read More »

Formulación de la Cláusula Rebus en la ejecución de los arrendamientos

Formulation of the Rebus Clause in the execution of leases

Formulation of the Rebus Clause in the execution of leases This comment does not intend to analyze the content and regulation of the Rebus clause, an issue that has been extensively discussed for months. We focus on the best way to obtain judicial protection under the aforementioned clause for those who have the right, or

Formulation of the Rebus Clause in the execution of leases Read More »

Supresión temporal del derecho de separación del socio

Temporary suppression of the right of separation of the partner

Temporary suppression of the right of separation of the partner The legislation enacted during the state of alarm has substantially affected the right of separation provided for in ARTº 348 BIS LSC. First was RDL 8/2020: Artº 40.8. Even if there is a legal or statutory cause, in capital companies the partners will not be

Temporary suppression of the right of separation of the partner Read More »

Moratoria en el pago de rentas de locales comerciales por el COVID-19

Moratorium on the payment of rents for commercial premises due to COVID-19

Moratorium on the payment of rents for commercial premises due to COVID-19 The RDL 15/2020 of April 21 has come to regulate, among other matters, an aspect that did not have specific regulations in the Urban Leasing Law (LAU) and that is crucial during the state of alarm decreed by the Council of Ministers. This

Moratorium on the payment of rents for commercial premises due to COVID-19 Read More »

Modificación de los compromisos contractuales frente a la crisis del Covid-19

Modification of contractual commitments in the face of the Covid-19 crisis

Modification of contractual commitments in the face of the Covid-19 crisis The crisis caused by the coronavirus inevitably breaks the normalized market situation that existed prior to March 2020, affecting multiple agents, companies and the self-employed; as well as the contractual relationships that had been assumed before the development of the disease among the population,

Modification of contractual commitments in the face of the Covid-19 crisis Read More »

Fuerza Mayor y Excesiva Onerosidad (hardship) en el ámbito internacional

Force Majeure and Excessive Onerosity (hardship) in the international arena

Covid-19: Force Majeure and Excessive Onerosity (hardship) in the international arena The concepts of Force Majeure and Excessive Onerosity or hardship in international law and their applicability in the times of covid-19 The nationality of the Law has been an obstacle to the development of the market since the invention of sovereign states. For this

Force Majeure and Excessive Onerosity (hardship) in the international arena Read More »

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