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IRPH claim

Hipotecas IRPH

IRPH Mortgages: Application of the law of general contracting conditions

IRPH Mortgages: Application of the law of general contracting conditions In previous articles we have been commenting on the importance of the ruling of the European Court of Justice of March 3, 2020 on the so-called IRPH mortgages. Our intention is to provide all those affected with all the information they may need, using our

IRPH Mortgages: Application of the law of general contracting conditions Read More »

Las “hipotecas IRPH” son abusivas porque el banco no informó correctamente

The “IRPH mortgages” are abusive because the bank did not inform correctly

The “IRPH mortgages” are abusive because the bank did not inform correctly The well-known CJEU Judgment on IRPH mortgages of March 3, 2020, which allows the claim against banks for mortgage loans with IRPH, expressly includes the obligation of banking entities to provide all the necessary information and documentation to the consumer. So, since this

The “IRPH mortgages” are abusive because the bank did not inform correctly Read More »

Hipotecas IRPH: La Sentencia del TJUE protege al consumidor medio

IRPH Mortgages: The CJUE Judgment protects the average consumer

IRPH Mortgages: The CJUE Judgment protects the average consumer The European Court Judgment protects the average consumer against IRPH mortgages We continue to provide information to those affected by mortgage loans that establish the calculation of interest by applying the IRPH index, regarding the judgment of the European Court of Justice of March 3, 2020.<

IRPH Mortgages: The CJUE Judgment protects the average consumer Read More »

Hipotecas con cláusulas IRPH en contratos que no tengan la consideración de consumidor

Can companies claim for the IRPH clause?

Can companies claim for the IRPH clause? Jurisprudential analysis on the voidability of IRPH clauses contained in contracts signed with natural or legal persons who are not considered consumers The recent CJEU ruling of March 3, 2020 has come to confirm that the IRPH clauses contained in mortgage loan contracts signed by consumers are suitable

Can companies claim for the IRPH clause? Read More »

Cobertura económica para la asistencia jurídica en materia de consumidores

Financial coverage for legal assistance in consumer matters

Financial coverage for legal assistance in consumer matters Contrary to what it might seem, the home insurance policy has a broader scope of coverage than damage to the insured’s home and their belongings. Although it will be necessary to attend to the specific case, many home insurance policies provide among their guarantees the coverage of

Financial coverage for legal assistance in consumer matters Read More »

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