Commercial Law

Cómo se tramita un procedimiento de segunda oportunidad o BEPI

How is a second chance procedure or BEPI processed?

How is a second chance procedure or BEPI processed? How is a second chance procedure processed according to RD 1/2020, consolidated text of the bankruptcy law? Budgets to obtain the Second Chance or BEPI The basic budget on which depends what is commonly known as Second Chance or, as scientific doctrine calls it, BEPI (Unsatisfied […]

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La copropiedad como tipo específico de la comunidad de bienes

Co-ownership as a specific type of community property

Co-ownership as a specific type of community property Co-ownership as a specific type of community of property: Legal regime, powers of use, co-ownership administration system, support of common expenses and power of dissolution at the request of any community member. Co-ownership between several persons with respect to the same property (property real right) constitutes a

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La copropiedad como tipo específico de la comunidad de bienes

Co-ownership as a specific type of community property

Co-ownership as a specific type of community property Co-ownership as a specific type of community of property: Legal regime, powers of use, co-ownership administration system, support of common expenses and power of dissolution at the request of any community member. Co-ownership between several persons with respect to the same property (property real right) constitutes a

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¿Me conviene más un contrato de agencia o de distribución?

Is an agency or distribution contract better for me?

Is an agency or distribution contract better for me? Confusing the agency contract with the distribution contract is certainly common, even by the agents and distributors themselves.< /p> However, it is convenient to know the differences between one figure and another, especially before signing the contract, since the legal consequences differ in one case and

Is an agency or distribution contract better for me? Read More »

Cómo cuantificar la indemnización por clientela

How to quantify compensation for clientele

How to quantify compensation for clientele In previous articles we discussed the different compensations to which the agent is entitled after termination of the contract and termination of the agency relationship with the employer with who they hired Specifically, in the post Indemnities for ending the agency contract we listed the different compensation rights that

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Recomendaciones para prescindir de un agente comercial

Recommendations for doing without a commercial agent

Recommendations for doing without a commercial agent If you or your company wants to dismiss or dismiss one or more of your commercial agents, terminate the contract and stop working with them, you must have into account various factors to avoid having to pay excessive compensation. It is recommended to have prior advice that analyzes

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Consejos básicos en la negociación del contrato de agencia

Basic tips in negotiating the agency contract

Basic tips in negotiating the agency contract In this article we are going to expose some of the basic recommendations, useful to take into consideration in the negotiation of an agency contract and before signing of the agreement. The agency contract will govern some fundamental issues in the professional relationship between the commercial agent and

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