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Author name: 401fa40a14

Protección de bienes muebles o inmuebles de valor artístico, cultural o histórico

Protection of movable or immovable property of artistic, cultural or historical value

Protection of movable or immovable property of artistic, cultural or historical value Throughout my professional life I have received inquiries from my most varied clients, but now I am going to refer to those that have been related to the Law 16/1985, on Spanish Historical Heritage. A fairly unknown law but of paramount importance for

Protection of movable or immovable property of artistic, cultural or historical value Read More »

Cómo disolver una sociedad limitada si un socio no quiere

How to dissolve a limited partnership if one partner doesn’t want to

How to dissolve a limited partnership if one partner doesn’t want to How to dissolve an LLC. if a partner does not want to A situation that occurs more frequently than we think is that of “blocking” when dissolving a limited liability company ( hereinafter, S.L.). For the dissolution to be a problem, the company

How to dissolve a limited partnership if one partner doesn’t want to Read More »

Bienes incluidos en el inventario general del Patrimonio Histórico Español

Assets included in the general inventory of the Spanish Historical Heritage

Assets included in the general inventory of the Spanish Historical Heritagel In my previous article, Protection of movable or immovable property of artistic, cultural or historical value, I described Situation A, which was raised by my client in the Firm: “When our client’s father died, a series of Roman coins were found inside the family

Assets included in the general inventory of the Spanish Historical Heritage Read More »

Bienes de interés cultural. Limitaciones objetivas al derecho de propiedad

Assets of cultural interest. Objective limitations to property rights

Assets of cultural interest. Objective limitations to property rights In my previous article, Protection of movable or immovable property of artistic, cultural or historical value, I described Situation B, which was raised by my client in the Firm: “One of our clients discovered, by chance, that she had a painting of significant home value of

Assets of cultural interest. Objective limitations to property rights Read More »

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