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Author name: 401fa40a14

Nulidad de acuerdos sociales por infracción del derecho de información

Nullity of social agreements due to infringement of the right to information

Nullity of social agreements due to infringement of the right to information The partner’s right to information in limited liability companies is included in art. 196 LSC: “1. The partners of the limited liability company may request in writing, prior to the general meeting or verbally during it, the reports or clarifications they deem necessary […]

Nullity of social agreements due to infringement of the right to information Read More »

Convalidación de acuerdos sociales declarados nulos

Validation of corporate agreements declared void

Validation of corporate agreements declared void Contrary to what the Mercantile Registrars have been interpreting, the General Directorate of Registry and Notaries (DGRN) considers that they can be validated, that is, Corporate agreements declared null and void by final judgment may be registrable in those cases in which the declaration of nullity of the agreements

Validation of corporate agreements declared void Read More »

Responsabilidad administrador societario con cargo caducado

Corporate administrator responsibility with expired position

Corporate administrator responsibility with expired position The administrator with an expired position is responsible for company debts if, after the position expires, he continues as a de facto administrator Regarding the responsibility of administrators in cases of harmful administration in which de facto and legal administrators coexist – it is proven that the formal appointment

Corporate administrator responsibility with expired position Read More »

Impugnación de acuerdos sociales de la Junta General

Challenging corporate resolutions of the General Meeting

Challenging corporate resolutions of the General Meeting The General Meeting is the body of the company where the corporate resolutions approved by a majority are adopted. Common questions, after the approval of agreements that do not benefit the social interest of the company or individual of the specific partner, are: Can the approved agreement be

Challenging corporate resolutions of the General Meeting Read More »

Disolución de sociedades anónimas y sociedades limitadas

Dissolution of corporations and limited companies

Dissolution of corporations and limited companies The dissolution of the public limited company for legal or statutory reasons is not automatic The process of legal extinction of a company (whether anonymous or limited) is basically made up of three phases that take place successively. This process begins with the dissolution, at which time the company

Dissolution of corporations and limited companies Read More »

Disolución de una sociedad debido a la paralización de los órganos sociales

Dissolution of a company due to the paralysis of corporate bodies

Dissolution of a company due to the paralysis of corporate bodies In my last post, «Dissolution of public limited companies and limited companies» I made a brief analysis on the non-automatic dissolution of a company and the existing legal resources aimed at preventing a company in the process of dissolution from remaining in traffic indefinitely.

Dissolution of a company due to the paralysis of corporate bodies Read More »

Sociedades de Capital y la determinación del objeto social

Capital Companies and the determination of the corporate purpose

Capital Companies and the determination of the corporate purpose The incorporation process of any capital company, whether anonymous or limited, ends with the registration of its articles of incorporation before the Mercantile Registry, which appropriate. Along with said deed a series of documents must be provided, including the Social Bylaws which, among other necessary mentions,

Capital Companies and the determination of the corporate purpose Read More »

El usufructo de participaciones o acciones sociales y su liquidación

The usufruct of participations or social shares and their liquidation

The usufruct of participations or social shares and their liquidation The holder of a right to usufruct over any movable or immovable property has a real right of enjoyment or enjoyment over another’s property, that is, it holds the right to obtain its fruits or yields. Art. 127 of the Ley de Sociedades de Capital

The usufruct of participations or social shares and their liquidation Read More »

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