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Author name: 401fa40a14

El “Amor Filial” acogido como circunstancia atenuante “muy cualificada” en el delito de promoción, favorecimiento o facilitación de trasplante ilegal de órganos humanos ajenos

“Filial Love” accepted as a “highly qualified” mitigating circumstance in the crime of promoting, favoring or facilitating illegal transplantation of foreign human organs

El “Amor Filial” acogido como circunstancia atenuante “muy cualificada” en el delito de promoción, favorecimiento o facilitación de trasplante ilegal de órganos humanos ajenos “Filial Love” accepted as a “highly qualified” mitigating circumstance in the crime of promoting, favoring or facilitating the illegal transplantation of other people’s human organs (art. 156 bis 1.2 of the

“Filial Love” accepted as a “highly qualified” mitigating circumstance in the crime of promoting, favoring or facilitating illegal transplantation of foreign human organs Read More »

Mecanismos de cierre de operaciones corporativas

Mechanisms for closing corporate operations

Mechanisms for closing corporate operations Corporate or M&A transactions, such as mergers and acquisitions, are a common business strategy for business growth and expansion. These transactions are not only a source of growth and diversification for companies, but also have the potential to create shareholder value and improve efficiency and profitability. However, for these operations

Mechanisms for closing corporate operations Read More »

Regulación de la formación del Registro de extractores de depósitos fiscales

Regulation of the formation of the Registry of extractors of fiscal deposits

Regulation of the formation of the Register of bonded warehousing extractors On April 5, 2023, the Royal Decree 249/2023 was published in the Official State Gazette, through which the formation of the Register of extractors of fiscal deposits of products included in the objective scope of the tax on hydrocarbons is regulated. First of all,

Regulation of the formation of the Registry of extractors of fiscal deposits Read More »

El Compliance Penal en el ámbito de los hidrocarburos

Criminal Compliance in the field of hydrocarbons

Criminal Compliance in the field of hydrocarbons We must begin by explaining what Criminal Compliance is and then limit it to the field of hydrocarbons and, finally, highlight the importance of the Compliance Officer (without which Criminal Compliance is ineffective). Origin of Criminal Compliance Criminal compliance (or crime prevention manual in the business environment) is

Criminal Compliance in the field of hydrocarbons Read More »

Price adjustment and locked box in purchase and sale operations

Price adjustment and locked box in purchase and sale transactions In M&A transactions or contracts for the sale and purchase of companies, the price determines the most relevant negotiating circumstance. However, given the length of time required for this type of transaction, it is difficult to establish a balanced price from the outset. Bear in

Price adjustment and locked box in purchase and sale operations Read More »

Digitalización en la Due Diligence en procesos de M&A

Digitization in Due Diligence in M&A processes

Digitization in Due Diligence in M&A processes The role of digitization in M&A operations In today’s business world, digitization has become a fundamental tool for competitiveness and long-term success. Corporate transactions are no exception, and companies are increasingly turning to digitization to optimize and improve their merger and acquisition processes. In this article, we explore

Digitization in Due Diligence in M&A processes Read More »

Firma y cierre en operaciones de compraventa de empresas

Firma y cierre en operaciones de compraventa de empresas

Signing and closing of company purchase and sale transactions Business purchase agreements, known as SPAs, are complex legal documents that establish the conditions for the acquisition of a company. In these transactions, it is common to work with two fundamental concepts: signing and closing. We will explain the difference between both milestones, their relevance, and

Firma y cierre en operaciones de compraventa de empresas Read More »

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