Author name: 401fa40a14

El Lease-back como medio de financiación para las empresas

Lease-back as a means of financing for companies

Lease-back as a means of financing for companies As can be deduced from previous publications (on Factoring contracts, What are Confirming agreements, etc.), for some time now the form of financing companies has been progressing at a dizzying rate. It is a matter in continuous evolution every time new ways arise, each one more innovative,

Lease-back as a means of financing for companies Read More »

Recomendaciones a tener en cuenta ante la compraventa de una sociedad

Recommendations to take into account when buying and selling a company

Recommendations to take into account when buying and selling a company Main recommendations to take into account when buying and selling a company Here follows a brief review of some basic issues that we must consider before formalizing the sale of a company: How should we formalize or document the sale of a company We

Recommendations to take into account when buying and selling a company Read More »

Valoración de las acciones y participaciones sociales

Valuation of shares and social participations

Valuation of social shares and participations When a partner decides to separate from the company to which he belongs, in the cases in which the Law grants him that right, or is excluded from it, the dispute over the price of its capital participation frequently arises. Art. 353.1 of the Ley de Sociedades de Capital

Valuation of shares and social participations Read More »

Fusiones y escisiones: Derecho de oposición de acreedores

Mergers and divisions: Right of opposition of creditors

  Mergers and spin-offs: Right of opposition from creditors The Law on Structural Modifications of Commercial Companies establishes mechanisms to prevent creditors from seeing their collection rights compromised before commercial merger or spin-off operations. Certain loans are duly guaranteed, the most typical example being the mortgage guarantee that ensures, at least a priori, the creditor’s

Mergers and divisions: Right of opposition of creditors Read More »

¿Qué servicios ofrece un despacho de abogados en un proceso de compraventa de empresas

What services does a law firm offer in a business sale process?

What services does a law firm offer in a business sale process? We will describe below the main tasks that are often required of our advisory team for the sale of companies and other corporate operations. However, our firm offers an additional service to what other law firms specialized in M&A ordinarily offer, since we

What services does a law firm offer in a business sale process? Read More »

Liquidación de sociedades El Balance Final

Liquidation of companies: The Final Balance

Liquidation of companies: The Final Balance The closure of a limited or limited company can occur for multiple reasons, but in all cases we must follow a certain procedure in three steps: dissolution, liquidation and extinction. In the following article, we will talk about the process of closing a company, focusing on the liquidation phase

Liquidation of companies: The Final Balance Read More »

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