Author name: 401fa40a14

Causas de extinción en el contrato de agencia

Causes of termination in the agency contract

Causes of termination in the agency contract Most disputes arising from an agency contract arise when the contractual relationship comes to an end. Which happens because the commercial agent is entitled to compensation for clientele if it has generated more business for the businessman and it is understood that he will be able to continue […]

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La indemnización por clientela en el Contrato de Distribución

Indemnity for clientele in the Distribution Contract

La indemnización por clientela en el Contrato de Distribución As we already highlighted in our previous article < strong>Key aspects of a Distribution Contract, this contractual typology lacks specific regulation in our legal system, so its legal regime is determined by what was agreed between the parties, in a supplementary manner by what established in

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Indemnización tras la extinción del Contrato de Agencia

Compensation after the termination of the Agency Contract

Compensation after termination of the Agency Contract Agency Contract: The compensation of the agent after the termination of the contract and its main aspects The Law 12/1992 of May 27 regulates the so-called agency contract, delimiting the concept of agent and distinguishing it from other related figures such as the commercial distributor. The first article

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Abuso de posición dominante en franquicias

Abuse of dominant position in franchises

Abuse of dominant position in franchises In a franchise contract the franchisor requires certain conditions from the franchisee for the opening of an establishment with his name and its integration into the franchise network. The franchisee, for his part, obtains the commercialization of the franchised product and the use of the brand and other distinctive

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Indemnizaciones por finalizar el contrato de agencia

Indemnities for ending the agency contract

Indemnities for ending the agency contract When the agency contract comes to an end, by any of the possible forms of termination of the contractual relationship, the agent needs information from the < strong>compensation that can be claimed from the employer. The interests of the agent are opposed to those of the employer, it is

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Aspectos clave de un Contrato de Distribución

Key aspects of a Distribution Agreement

Key aspects of a Distribution Agreement Before focusing on the key aspects of a distribution contract we must answer the following question: What is the distribution contract? The distribution contract is a collaboration contract between two businessmen or companies, in order to ensure their presence in a territory and distribute the products or services of

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Cobertura económica para la asistencia jurídica en materia de consumidores

Financial coverage for legal assistance in consumer matters

Financial coverage for legal assistance in consumer matters Contrary to what it might seem, the home insurance policy has a broader scope of coverage than damage to the insured’s home and their belongings. Although it will be necessary to attend to the specific case, many home insurance policies provide among their guarantees the coverage of

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Reclamación de las retenciones de obra

Claim of withholdings of work

Claim for work withholdings Claim for work withholdings As its name indicates, guarantee retention is applied to construction invoices to compromise the successful outcome of the work. Whoever commissioned the execution of the work will not be obliged to return those amounts if defects appeared in the construction or items were left unexecuted. Construction companies,

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