Author name: 401fa40a14

Registro de la jornada laboral y control de horas extraordinarias

Registration of working hours and control of overtime

Registration of working hours and control of overtime Then we address the problem of companies and their workers in the treatment of overtime, the mandatory recording of working hours< /strong> and the instruction of the general direction of labor in the intensification of the control of working time. Overtime They will be considered overtime each […]

Registration of working hours and control of overtime Read More »

Despidos objetivos frente al absentismo laboral justificado

Objective dismissals against justified work absenteeism

Objective dismissals against justified work absenteeism There is no doubt that absenteeism is today one of the most serious problems in the business sector for various reasons. The first of them is due to a decrease in market competitiveness due to the low productivity that it generates, the second being of a nature economical. absenteeism

Objective dismissals against justified work absenteeism Read More »

Prohibición de no concurrencia y cláusula de no competencia en el contrato laboral

Prohibition of non-competition and non-competition clause in the employment contract

Prohibition of non-competition and non-competition clause in the employment contract When signing employment contracts, in some sectors more than in others due to the business activity carried out, we see the need to agree bilaterally on clauses in which the worker’s duty not to attend the employer during the term of the employment relationship is

Prohibition of non-competition and non-competition clause in the employment contract Read More »

Control y uso de medios informáticos de trabajadores ausentes

Control and use of computing means of absent workers

Control and use of computing means of absent workers We have found circumstances in which the Business Management has seen the need to access the computer and corporate email accounts of employees who are absent (holidays, disability,…), and yet it never broke in despite the imperative duty to perform the functions, all for the prudence

Control and use of computing means of absent workers Read More »

Legalidad de las conversaciones grabadas en el proceso laboral

Legality of recorded conversations in the labor process

Legality of recorded conversations in the labor process Currently, technological progress and the massive use of new technologies have raised doubts when it comes to using these new technological means as evidence in a judicial process. The topic at hand deals with the legality and validity of using a recorded conversation as evidence in a

Legality of recorded conversations in the labor process Read More »

Contratación y relación laboral de empleadas del hogar

Recruitment and employment relationship of domestic workers

Recruitment and employment relationship of domestic workersr From 2004 to the present day, the number of domestic workers has increased considerably, ranking according to the INE in the last period ( 2010-2016) in 425,456 employees registered with social security, most of whom are women and immigrants. This is a special regime, since employers are not

Recruitment and employment relationship of domestic workers Read More »

Incapacidad temporal por contingencias comunes

Temporary disability due to common contingencies

Temporary disability due to common contingencies Temporary disability due to common contingencies and Temporary disability due to professional contingencies. As everyone knows, companies and workers must pay the corresponding contributions to the Social Security (common contingencies, AT EP). The Entrepreneur is the one who, in addition to paying the corresponding business quota, will deduct the

Temporary disability due to common contingencies Read More »

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